Self-Portrait in Autumn
This is a piece that I composed while I was a student in London. The melody came to me just one go in a lonesome autumn evening. It somehow depicts my mindset of that moment, and I named it as a Self-Portrait.
是什麼樣的心事, 團團籠罩在你低吟的氣溫中? 那是蕭瑟的苦悶、 抑或堅持的哀嘆?
十指在黑白間迷遊, 重新尋獲,十年前的心事, 那曾掛在秋葉間, 隨低氣壓搖擺、飄零... Watch the Video of Self-Portrait
Self-Prtrait in Autumn 秋天自畫像 by Veronica Yen