Little Prince and the Rose
Saint-Exupéry’s masterpiece, <The Little Prince>, has inspired me in different levels during the course of life. ‘The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” “All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.” It has always reminded me to take care the little prince inside.
This piece was composed when I was 19. I didn’t share the piece for many years cause I wished to revise it when I have better compositional technique. Until recently, I revisited this work and decide to release it, and I didn’t altar any note of it. Maybe the initial simplicity is its best expression.
法國作家 聖修伯里的名作《小王子》,在不同時期給我不同深度的啟發。「你為你的 玫瑰所花費的時間,使她珍貴」、「所有的大人都曾經是小孩,雖然,只有少數的人記得」 「世界上最重要的不是眼睛所能看見的」⋯⋯在閱讀之際,讓每一個人記起心中那個小王子。
這首曲子其實是我19歲的作品。完成時只覺作品太簡單,一直將它放著,想著也許未 來能以更好的創作技法,來為這旋律注入更多的精彩。多年後,我再次審視它,卻沒有修改其 中一個音,也許,原初靈感的單純,就是它最好的模樣。 watch the video fo Little Prince and the Rose
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