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Nocturne: Winter Night in London

It’s the most blessing years in life while pursuing my dream as a musician in London. Yet, there were some solitary moments: I was a foreigner in an alienated place.
The melody came to me in a winter night, and I completed it in the form of Chopin’s Nocturne.

所有追尋 如同身旁車燈倏忽閃過 煙花般的消逝...

我, 只是一個人。

在皇家音樂院的時期,追尋夢想的過程,心頭是幸福的。然而,異鄉的遊子,在倫敦 夜裡的繁忙街道上,感受到的是另一種情緒。


Nocturne ~ Winter Night in London|倫敦的冬夜 by Veronica Yen

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